Examples & Experiments

Plate Tectonics

Combining various techniques it's possible to generate a beleiveable (more or less) geology for your world.


This will take a long time to load, and is in active development. This is in a kind of a crazy experimental stage :)


Using a simple model of plate tectonics, we can simulate a snapshot of the Planet's surface. This will provide us a number of terrain features that we can use to create a more beleiveable world, such as:

  • volanic island chains
  • rift vallies
  • mountain ranges

Expanding on the cellular approach, we could even assign temperature, climates, biomes, and polities. Isn't that cool? Yes! Yes it is!


We'll chop the world into cells using voronoi.

  1. Createa a "jittered" array of points around the surface of the Planet.
  2. Create a Voronoi diagram from the points.
  3. Create a list of defined Plates
  4. Assign each Voronoi cell to a Plate using a floodfill algorithm
  5. Assign each voronoi cell edge a value that represents the violence that occurs when the plates collide.
  6. Assign each voronoi cell a value that represents the elevation of the cell.
  7. Pass the voronoi data to the heigh generator to assign the elevations to each vertex.