Libraries & API

Ring Worlds

Generate a world wrapped along a cylinder. Useful for creating sci-fi megastructures like O'Niell cylinders (opens in a new tab) or Ring Worlds (opens in a new tab)

They can be long with a small diameter, or vast and narrow.

O'Niell Cylinder

An enormous cylinder providing a habitable surface in a counterrotating arrangement.

Niven Ring

A long thin megastructure,such as described in the Ringworld series by Larry Niven, or the Halo series. (You may have to rotate the camera around to see)


import { RingWorld } from "@hello-worlds/planet"
import worker from "./RingWorld.worker"
// ...some threejs scene above
const myWorld = new RingWorld({
  radius: 5_000,
  length: 20_000
  minCellSize: 32,
  minCellResolution: 48,
  workerProps: {
    numWorkers: 8,
  data: {
    seed: "My Cool Seed!",


PropTypeDefault (if optional)Description
invertedbooleanfalseIf true, flips the terrain upside down
radiusnumberrequiredThe radius of the ring world
lengthnumberrequiredThe width of the "rim" of the ring world
minCellSizenumberrequiredThe smallest size that a terrain chunk will be
minCellResolutionnumberrequiredThe amount of subdivisions in a terrain chunk
materialMaterial (opens in a new tab)undefinedThe material to use
positionVector3 (opens in a new tab)requiredThe position to place the world
lodOriginVector3 (opens in a new tab)requiredthe position where to compare the lod algorithm against, typically your camera position. If the lodOrigin is close to a terrain chunk, it may decided to collapse into a higher level of detail.
workerPropsWorkerPropsrequiredConfig for the worker
dataRecord<string, any>requiredUser datta that will be consumed by the worker threads' generator functions
lodDistanceComparisonValuenumber1.25The quadtree will resolve to a higher level of detail if the lodOrigin position is closer than distance * lodDistanceComparisonValue, for thhis reason it must be greater than 0


export interface workerProps: {
  worker: new () => Worker
  numWorkers: number